Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Motivation, or lack thereof- 

I have signed up for 2 virtual marathons due to the fact that my holiday gig isn't happening this year thanks for COVID. I'm not too upset about it as it's COVID and that's the precaution you have to take when an attraction has hundreds of thousands of visitors per year from all over the world. I felt lazy and unproductive. I saw a Facebook ad for this really beautiful medal from a virtual marathon, so I bought into it. In my excitement, I found a Santa themed marathon and bought that too. This happened on Black Friday, by the way, so sales were aplenty. 

I started one virtual marathon because it had an app associated with it which connects to just about every fitness tracker on the market so it was super easy to set up because I always wear a Fitbit and who's phone ISN'T a pedometer nowadays? The app tracks the participant's progress and once the challenge is finished, the company ships out the medal. The other marathon has been sitting on my dining room chair since I received it. They sent me the bib, an energy bar, a hat, and the medal straight away so I am in possession of a prize that I didn't even win/work for. I think the fact that it is already in my hands is making me drag on actually doing it. It's not exactly time sensitive, but it's a Santa medal so I would ideally like to get it done before Christmas passes. I've about 2 more weeks so that's plenty of time I SUPPOSE. 

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I will attempt to get this marathon in. it's 5k, so 3.1 miles. It's not far, but it is far for me because I can't do much physical activity due to my injuries. I can do it. It's just a matter of bucking up and doing it and not being lazy. With my health as it is and the fact it is cold out, I am lazy. I won't be able to award myself a medal if I don't do it though, so drat on that. I have to do it. Gogogogogogo

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