Sunday, March 21, 2021

Holding Myself Accountable For My Fitness

 I originally made this blog post in January. By "made" I mean I wrote the title and saved the blank draft. I haven't done much otherwise. Maybe I give myself too little credit. 

I have lost all my 2020 weight, which I accumulated by spending way too much time with someone who had an absolutely horrendous diet which they claimed was "healthy". Newsflash: candy for dinner every night and never drinking anything but bottled soft drinks does not count as healthy. Of course, peer pressure and temptation are strong and I ended up falling into it as well because it was readily available all the time. This also ended up giving me type 2 diabetes. I'm getting bloodwork done in a few weeks to check that out, but to be honest I don't think my A1C is going to be much lower purely due to the fact that I ended up getting COVID-19 early Feb and lost my sense of taste and smell for a month. My diet went from mainly cruciferous veg to spaghetti. Just spaghetti. With tomato sauce. All day every day. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if my A1C is higher than it was before due to this. 2020 was someone else's doing. 20201 is all me. plus COVID. I'm going to shift the blame to COVID for 1 month. 2020's blame was 8 months long. 

That's it for the time being. I'm just getting back to activity now since I finally feel up for it after laying in bed, wasting away from COVID, not wanting to leave my house because I'm not an asshole. 

Monday, January 11, 2021

There's No Such Thing As A New Year

I really dislike the concept of new year's resolutions, but since that's how popular culture does it I have no choice if I want to partake in the festivities with friends. I personally do not think anyone should wait until January 1 start any sort of goal. Why wait until then? Start when you think of it. Why procrastinate weeks or months until that magical day shows up? I don't get it. 

I try. I really do. I try to fit in and make all these cute resolutions and I just drop off the train because it's stuff I should have been doing but I waited until this particular day. If I waited the entire time until the new year, I can technically wait more because it didn't hurt me to wait all this time to start doing, so let's stop doing because it's not that pressing. 

This year, I have a fitness resolution. It's going ok so far, we are only 11 days in. I am also doing it with someone and the company I'm going through didn't release the product until Jan 1, so I was doubly stuck in waiting. I'll see how this goes. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Is This A Diet Or Suffering?

 I have decided to make the best of what I have since I am currently not working, nor am I planning to start looking until the holidays are over, which is in less than a week, really. I am a hoarder. A staple hoarder. I hoard all dry goods which never go bad under the premise that I will eat it one day when I have no food due to the apocalypse coming. I've been trying to eat through my pantry and cut down on the sheer amount of STUFF I have due to the fact I simply keep it because it doesn't expire. It's been going pretty well. It's not the most balanced of diets, but then again most people don't eat a balanced diet to begin with. I've definitely been making progress, and I've even lost some weight which is always a plus, since I've been doing nothing but gaining it due to shut down, inactivity, and the fact that I was always eating out. I've been documenting what I've been eating and it's just been super sad. It's YouTube content. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Welcome to The First Day

 The first day of the rest of our lives begins tonight. Dec 21, 2020, we enter the age of Aquarius as Jupiter and Saturn line up for the great conjunction. I feel pretty groovy. I'm not a huge astrology person, but I do keep tabs on it because I do believe it does affect us in some way due to the different gravitational pulls we experience whilst we are in certain positions of the universe. I'm curious to see how things pan out from tonight on. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Holly Jolly Jingle Bell 5K

Well here it is. I did it. In the snow. Definitely could have picked a better day but hey what can you do. It's done, I made 2 vlogs about it, and that's that. I am not as proud of myself as I thought I would be. I joined some virtual marathon communities and people are so please when they are done with a race but I'm a bit "meh" about it to be completely honest. Is it because I know that I could do this on a regular day under regular circumstances? Is it because I am not super fitness oriented? I'll think about it, do some inner digging and see what my apathy is all about. 

In the meanwhile, here's a short little video I made on my unboxing. Cute, right?

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Motivation, or lack thereof- 

I have signed up for 2 virtual marathons due to the fact that my holiday gig isn't happening this year thanks for COVID. I'm not too upset about it as it's COVID and that's the precaution you have to take when an attraction has hundreds of thousands of visitors per year from all over the world. I felt lazy and unproductive. I saw a Facebook ad for this really beautiful medal from a virtual marathon, so I bought into it. In my excitement, I found a Santa themed marathon and bought that too. This happened on Black Friday, by the way, so sales were aplenty. 

I started one virtual marathon because it had an app associated with it which connects to just about every fitness tracker on the market so it was super easy to set up because I always wear a Fitbit and who's phone ISN'T a pedometer nowadays? The app tracks the participant's progress and once the challenge is finished, the company ships out the medal. The other marathon has been sitting on my dining room chair since I received it. They sent me the bib, an energy bar, a hat, and the medal straight away so I am in possession of a prize that I didn't even win/work for. I think the fact that it is already in my hands is making me drag on actually doing it. It's not exactly time sensitive, but it's a Santa medal so I would ideally like to get it done before Christmas passes. I've about 2 more weeks so that's plenty of time I SUPPOSE. 

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I will attempt to get this marathon in. it's 5k, so 3.1 miles. It's not far, but it is far for me because I can't do much physical activity due to my injuries. I can do it. It's just a matter of bucking up and doing it and not being lazy. With my health as it is and the fact it is cold out, I am lazy. I won't be able to award myself a medal if I don't do it though, so drat on that. I have to do it. Gogogogogogo

Friday, December 4, 2020

Splitting Blogs?

I wanted to make a youtube channel dedicated to mental health and dream journaling. Does that mean I should also split blogs as well? Make a separate blog for those two things? Keep this blog for random word/ thought vomit? Logically, that would be the more efficient thing to do, however laziness is keeping me from doing it as usual. Even now, I have so many posts I want to write but don't even know where to start/ cant bring myself to write them. Actually, I can't even call it laziness- I have the blog set up already like how I had my dream/mental health channel set up already. They're just empty because I never got around to using them consistently or at all for that matter. It's a personal flaw I have. I try to be better at it but you know how that story goes. Maybe this will be the time I actually start doing and stick to it. Who knows? For now, the link to my other blog, Everlasting Ray Of Sunshine